It was lovely doing service with you today. It totally stinks that you are leaving. Like it stinks like whoa.

But i am super glad that you will be staying at bethel because at the same time my D bb is leaving for california. 🙁

Well. You said you’d be my shopping buddyso i am for sure going to hold you to it so L, my dear, please be expecting a shopping invite soon.

(Lol that’s if i ever have the time to go shopping with you, i am just so busy all the time :T)

But you are seriously like my twin, i mean so fashion concious and 15 pairs of shoes!!!!

Like can we be BFFs, like for reals? I have been missing my other half since L’s gotten married.

And its like so so different. I mean we used to do everything together and then BAM! She was like out of my life, i understand your husband comes first but sometimes i really miss her.


Well darling i will miss you like crazy as well and i wish you all the best.

I am super glad we have plans to meet in december tho, not going to lie.

This way i can keep you in my life a little longer. And its not going to be like my D bb who is going to be 3000 miles away in california.

I am going to miss that cheeky smile and his cute little face and his hugs and just having him around sometimes on the weekends.

And i know my family’s going to miss him terribly as well.

Although my sisters are terribly upset you are leaving our hall as well, L-bear, they truly are.

(They claim you are the truly kind brother, seriously you racked up like a ton of brownie points with the way you played with the kids)


Jiayou on your part tuesday, i am super looking forward to it.
