A Pale Pink City

My Life in Fiction

Month: May 2016 (Page 1 of 3)

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Forever Alone

Ugh. Everyone is getting married.

Everyone and their mother (literally, G’s mother got remarried. FML, her mom has twice the game I have :T)

AB is getting married to some bro from Korea and EJ is getting married to, get this, EK. OMG

Can you believe it?! LOL

And meanwhile I’m boyfriend-less.

(just when I had talked myself into how great being single is, and just when my parents were resigned to my singleness-this happens. SMH)

(at least my parents think I’m kinda 아까워 to get married to just anyone LOL)


Monsieur Quincampoix

OMG. Your doppelganger is so hot, it’s unimaginable!


I wonder if you realize. If only you spoke French and was about ten pounds lighter 🙂

(But then, he’d had a sadder countenance than you have, you’ve got this goofy atmosphere going on, which is not exactly the most attractive LOL)

(But he’s so adorably quirky, OMG my crush for a very long time haha, the definition of romance for a girl growing up in the 2000s)

But you’ve got a magnetism all your own. And an incredible skill in preaching, like HOW DO YOU DO IT?!

People are just inexplicably drawn to you, like, how? I guess they can just feel the warmth radiating off your person. And I guess it doesn’t hurt that you’ve got confidence and presence.

WOW. I just looked at more pictures of Nino Quincampoix and you look exactly like him. Like, it’s eerie. The same crooked nose, the same sharp smile, the crinkle in the eyes, and the softness along your hairline.


It’s even more apparent without the glasses-how I wish you’d gotten contacts sooner.

Yesterday doing the cart witnessing and then the RVs in Jersey City had been pretty magical. Why are you so cute?!


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