A Pale Pink City

My Life in Fiction

Month: September 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

divine peace//maker of arrows

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i build dreams around you. no really, i do.

and darling, they are beautiful dreams, you’d enjoy them immensely.

full of color and light and laughter and warmth and everything that sparkles all around.

like an explosion of all that’s wonderful in the world with you, my dear, in the epicenter of it all.

and what i’d give to be able to share them with you, i’d take you on a ride of whimsy and you’d think i’m crazy but it would still be fabulous.

we’d spend every week in a different place, exploring new worlds, meeting new people, tasting new foods.

and we’d preach to all sorts of people, you with your spanish and me with my chinese and korean, together we’d be a tour d’force, a hurricane

we might not have much, but we’d be so, so happy. unbelievably so.

and i’d even give up my handbags and shoes, all the makeup in the world to be with you.

i could even forgo running water and western toilets if you’d be by my side

not even bouts of diarrhea or the threat of parasites and bugs could dampen my enthusiasm

and when the going gets tough, i’d hold your hand and you’d hold mine and the world would be beautiful again

to feel the beat of your pulse through the warmth of your hand…

and we won’t even let the threat of money or persecution hang above us like the blade of a guillotine

you make me want to be a better person.

i am still building dreams around you.

about you

graceful lily


the Amazing Race 2014 Continued :)

so now it’s the next day 🙂


i completely slept in late today, like woke up around 9AM.

And had a late breakfast with the parents-coffee and ricecakes.

but yeah I was super tired as you know due to the Amazing Race yesterday.

It was pretty darn amazing. 🙂

I started out on the Purple Team-which is the Purple Minions but unfortunately JA was not able to come down and T&D J had to end early due to baby M. FTW!

I had this crazy purple wig that I had shipped express bc they gave us like 3 days to prepare for the race lol and it was so bright! because we were down quite a few members of our team, we got a free pass on the first even which was the 5 legged race so I didn’t have to do it haha! Which totally worked out because:

1. I really dislike running. Or like running without proper running gear on.

2. I don’t like getting sweaty (although I was sweaty by the end of the day anyways :T)

3. I happen to be incredibly slow- so we would have lost anyways

So I was relieved we got the baby pass haha! but I was able to be the girl that starts the races due to my purple wig!

And then we were able to start the race, which first comprised of us having to make a music video, show us singing at the top of our lungs and all these other random quests 🙂 It was really cute what we did, we had T serenade baby M the Aladdin song, “a whole new world” which was incredibly sweet!! It was like a family video, so precious, T is like a total ddal babo. 


And the poor darling must have gotten warm or something was upsetting her, she started to cry and cry and cry…I felt really badly for the little one, D and I took her into the library to cool her down and change her and give a little snack lol which helped ALOT.

And we filmed all of us singing Usher’s U Got it Bad lololol OMG it totally brought me back to my emo high-er middle school days lol!!Thankfully I still remember the lyrics haha

And then it was the next stage at the T’s home near the Tuxedo Post Office. OMG JH, L, JD, and the Ts had so much prepared! I was duly impressed with the amount of planning and prior setup this would have required!

First we had a challenge where we had to blow bubble tea bubbles into a small metal pan in the middle of a forest. NOT EASY, fyi.

AND! There was this punish bubble tea which had been mixed with sriracha which of course I had the honor of sticking my straw into first!! >:T

it was awful! blech! i had to spit it out, seriously i thought i was going to throw up! And why is the darn metal pot so far away??? and tiny?? I could not for the life of me get the bubbles to land in it.

(although miracles of miracles I was able to get 1 in haha!)

That gave us 5 bb gun pellets! Which we used to…shoot at balloons! in our color!

There was only 1 purple balloon left which was becuase the other teams had missed and shot ours instead so i took aim and got in IN THE FIRST TRY!! 🙂

(I always knew I was a sharp shoot! all those years of playing video games payed off!)

after we got that challenge we had to shoot a movie but by that time, the Js had to leave 🙁

so i joined the yellow team!! 🙂 (which was comprised of A unni, NW, AM, BH 🙂 )

And we filmed the Young People Ask: How can I make real friends movie hahahahahaha

food stamps.

That is all.

And then we were off to the Middletown Mall for the second half of the race 🙂 We had to film a puppet show about King Solomon lolol- and we made the puppets and everything! once we were in the mall, it was pretty much craziness! by this point my team was half crazed with hunger so we made a tiny pitstop at a pretzel joint where i got pretzel bites smothered in strawberry compote and WHIPPED CREAM!! 🙂

Yeah it totally made my mall trip!

That and of course, B getting his make up done! which I decided I liked so much I actually decided to buy the graphite eyeshadow from Elizabeth Arden which is my first EA eyeshadow EVAR! 🙂

(I am totally rocking it right now!! it really looks like lead pencil ground up and mixed with shimmer, so pretty!!)

the guy at LIDS was also really nice, not Jay but Nick lol this guy with a really nice beard-and he was actually really chill 🙂 we took a picture with him!

Then off to the F-res at Wallkill Farms which, of course, is when I noticed the silver mercury sable from Maine… Ermm yeah please refer to the post above!! lol


It was pretty amazing.

I wish I had more time with J.


So then we went to C and N’s house again for a finishing BBQ which was nice-the highlight was when we got to see the results of everyone’s race!! Brilliant- my fav was when they showed the Yellow team doing the singing with only the mouths showing ahahahahahaha A-unni’s mouth was hilarious! and what made it funnier was when she got so embarrassed that she tried to cover it up, silly, silly!


What can I say, it was a brilliant, truly amazing race.

lol my sisters went to the 1st ever ENGLENECK SCAVENGER HUNT! hehehehehe

I suspect my sisters will want to have a…pw protected post on that as well 😀


that is all.




Protected: the Amazing Race 2014 ♡

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