A Pale Pink City

My Life in Fiction

Date: January 25, 2015

apsksjdjfiaoalskdjf >:T


That crazy keyboard smashing was totally necessary.

Omg the old guy from argentina is calling and omg lets just say i am not having it. It really is super annoying and i know im being kinda rude too because lets face i can make pretty good small talk but NO.

just NO.

like is it a bad thing that i’m single? Am i already that far gone that i have to resort to these old geezers who don’t even speak English or care to know about me?!?

I mean i can’t help but feel like wth when all he wants to talk about is how great he is and why can’t i speak to him in korean or spanish?

Well i’m sorry but i just can’t make connections with people from korea, i.e. certain older people or people in general that do not speak english because that is the language of my heart and if i am trying to communicate my thoughts and feelings while having to translate into korean/spanish/chinese as he so “thoughtfully” suggested then i’m sorry but i’m just going to shut down.

i have trouble enough communicating in english.

And lets just say, being a kid in the 90s and growing up here, attending school in the US is a huge part of who i am, like if we dont have that in common, what are we going to talk about?

I mean i dont gossip much, and spiritual talk is fine but you jeed to have common interedts as well, kwim?


I hope he gets the hint.

I’m just super not interested!!! 🙁

Please, let me start something with someone i actually like for once!! (And like not 이방인)

(Omg! I saw looney at the willowbrook mall on monday which was mlk day and omg he was with his fiance/gf but omg he looked TERRIBLE like his hair was a curly but flat mess, saggy skin, weight gain, 2 BALD SPOTS ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD and was he always so short?? Even still i had the flutters and had to look away/ walk away fast because i didnt want him to see me with acne/fat/dressed like a hobo. Because even after all that, he is still LOONEY and that makes him special, u know?? Omg but it put me into a melancholy mood all week 🙁 i still kinda miss him.)

Hello. Goodbye.

ho hum.

yesterday JAF got hitched.

so i guess this is really good bye.

but anyways…..

its ok.

today was our Englewood Chinese meeting and my sisters came today.

And also it was my dear JH’s talk. meeting was nice.

in the AM we were going to go out in service but no one came out. my sisters and i enjoyed breakfast at sunmerrys and then borrowed a movie for later, Maze Runner- apparently it’s good but i’m keeping my expectations quite low.

(i mean i read the books and the books were mediocre at best so yeah, if you keep your expectations rock bottom, things can only go up, yeah?)

Anyways, then we picked up an ipad case- my darling leopard print kate spade case was just SO HEAVY- like seriously heavy that i just couldn’t stand it any longer so i replaced it with a heavy duty functional and light black case 🙂

the real funny part of the day was when we sat down for the service meeting-since we couldn’t do service in the AM you know?

So obviously, my sisters and i are expecting to be placed in the same service group but D has other plans- namely have them branch out and he places them with Q and P


it cracked me up and they were so, so shocked and flustered and flabbergasted, OMG it cracked me up.

So i sent them on their merry way but meh, they eventually ended up not doing service with them as Q and P had to leave around 4PM and suprise suprise when we were done with the tacos it was 4 lol

(the taco place was ah-may-zing! even though the onions were super, super spicy- the guac was fresh made on the spot and the meat was seasoned just so and YUM. oh and the spice was ON FIRE!!)

So they ended up doing service with me and JH and TR which was a ton of fun although since the afore mentioned tacos were so spicy it gave my sisters upset stomachs and we ended up quitting around 6PM.

ahahahahaha oh man. would hve been a good opportunity for the sisters to branch out doing service with Q and P.

Next time.

Atleast they got to do service with JH and TR- both are really, really solid brothers.

JH- i got to say he is very, very good. zealous in the ministry, diligent with his responsibilities and super considerate. Like korean level considerate- he’s got 눈치 which is pretty rare for an american guy so its comfortable around him and he’s surprisingly sweet although he has a snarky/dry sense of humor

TR i’m not too sure, i’ve only known him since august but he seems very sweet as well, always willing to go out in the ministry and speak to people which is admirable. And that accent! British accents are always so easy on the ears 🙂

but yeah, the sisters were mega- impressed with the boys because they were willing to go out late like past 6PM and i so would have gone out later if you know, my sisters both didn’t have to use the BR. lol!!

like in the korean hall the brothers rarely come out in even afternoon service and service late into the evening?? Um yeah, dream on.

but not to hate on the koreans.



my parents are trying to set me up with this old brother from arentina!! >:0

Like WHY?!?!?! he’s 8 years older than me and doesn’t speak english and omg omg omg i think i’ve made myself pretty clear but i don’t want to be with someone for the rest of my life if we can’t communicate!!

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