A Pale Pink City

My Life in Fiction

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Tears Like Cherry Blossoms…

while previously i had been loath to just “spam” myself with random quotes and passages, i now realize my memory is not what it once was and after i’ve just spent hours musing and constructing the most wonderful (to my ability, of course) phrasing i FORGET THEM.

so because this is my blog (LOL) i shall henceforth just upload them, as part of safekeeping and whatnot. that way those phrases are cataloged somewhere (here) and easily retrieved with the FICTION tag.

The Fleeting Here and Now!!

I found it!!! ^_^


I had the perfect title for a story and I was going to base off my entire premise for the story off that title and of course I go ahead and forget it!!

It was a Jewish book I think….

Something about forever :T

And it was so beautiful and poetic I actually googled the phrase to make sure no one else used it as a title too.

What a bummer.

On a different note, Swan Lake at the Met Opera in June!!

Mom wants to go this time so it should be pretty fun!

I really can’t wait!! ^_^


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