Well, well.

It turns out I’m back at the store today on a beautiful, perfect-for-service Sunday. What else is new?

The past week was so, so hectic it was unbelievable. Like totally BUSY.

1. I went to Trenton ALL WEEK for training which was totally not fun. But very informative so I can’t really complain, at least now I know what I’m doing lol

2. Korean C/O visit this week which means my family was busy as it was w/o:

3. Grandma had her TKR this week and ended up with a reaction (dare I say allergic?) to the anesthetic and ended up feeling ill and staying in the hospital for longer than expected

4. A very dear sister in the Korean Abbott Congregation passed away 🙁 and her wake was held Saturday morning at 11AM (she opted to be cremated so no burial)

5. The Korean Bethelites had no where to stay so they ended up staying over at our place last minute


That’s quite a list!!

And to add to all these events, Sultana “voluntarily resigned” as per my sister who left a vitriolic VM on her cell and we haven’t heard back from her since so the family has been pretty much taking turns coming to the store to cover the cashier.

My, my. At least the CO visit will end today, Grandma is feeling better and I no longer have to go to Trenton.

And hopefully no more deaths.

Man, its been a very sad last couple of weeks, what with 3 deaths of people I cared about, all due to some form of cancer or other which is terrifying quite frankly.

Cancer is one of those things that is still not very treatable if not caught in time. I mean, yeah there is surgery and chemo and radiation but really, all it really serves to do is prolong the death in a very painful way and the patient wastes away until you can’t really say they’re alive, all bones and skin and pain, most of the time they aren’t even conscious from being all drugged up. 🙁

But the alternative, death, is horrible too, and the family most of the time has such a hard time letting go. It’s heartbreaking, really, but until the new system, what can we do?

That’s why it’s imperative that people screen for cancers regularly and catch it before it metastasizes (which means it spreads to other parts of the body and evolves until the cells aren’t even recognizable). Some cancers are easier to check for than others, i.e, regular breast self examinations for ladies and mole/skin checks for everyone else. Others, like colon/stomach, you have to undergo endoscopic procedures which, while unpleasant, will be able to catch most polyps before they turn into cancerous tumors (easily tx with extractions right during the endoscopy and sent straight a ways for a biopsy).

And of course, educate yourselves about the s/s of major cancers, i.e, if you see blood in your stool or black, tarry stools that can indicate colon/rectal cancers, persistant dry cough can indicate lung cancer, sudden weight loss is a s/s of almost all cancers.

Seriously, it can save your life.

And while others really can’t be screened or treated early like pancreatic or brain cancers, it does help to increase your chances by a lot.

So that’s pretty much my spiel for today lol

On a much happier note, today I was able to do service with the J’s who are expecting baby M! I’m super excited for them, can’t wait for M to arrive. We were talking about having a scavenger hunt baby shower which sounds amazingly fun, like have people bring baby carrots, baby spinach, take a photo of a grown person with a bib…etc. And then we can all converge at one place and party which is pretty much what Towaco Mandarin Chinese excels at :0

But then again, getting a date where relatively most people can come is key esp with the conventions starting this month and people going away and what not. Hmmm…

Oh and S and D were engaged Monday at the NYC Public Library at the Children’s exhibit because that’s totally them and so cute and aww, the ring even looks like S, small and petite and super conservative 🙂

And that pretty much sums up my week. Heh, I got so fat this week, what with eating out for lunch every day and kale/carrot smoothies and David’s Cookies peanut butter cookies and eating out pretty much all weekend for the CO visit and going to the store-argh totally gained like 10 lbs which I worked so hard to lose.

Meh, that just means I will have to super detox this week and start exercising again which is a challenge because really, who wants to be working out in 90 degree weather?

certainly not me.