A Pale Pink City

My Life in Fiction

Month: October 2016 (Page 2 of 2)

le Moulin- Yann Tiersen

Ugh so i had typed up this huge long essay about my past week but it was lost :T

So captain’s log version:

-LEM is not dating and I am happy but at the same time confused-he’s still amazing FYI as evidenced by my tachycardia in his presence at H’s goodbye party last saturday (he touched my hair and his hand was THISCLOSE to my face and I almost died from embarrassment plus I got 2 hugs out of him and he looked amazing and I love his wonderfully warm eyes with the slight crinkle as well as his soft, reverberating chuckle) but he didn’t come to this assembly 🙁

-because I might like JH as well which is funny because it just is. Maybe b/c he’s less obnoxious now that he’s had his privileges taken away? Or maybe it’s the contacts? His magical blue eyes?

-He was so cute at the assembly walking around with his bag and water bottle and just generally being friendly and, well, JH. Also cute at the service meeting the next day. But did service with BK (I’s cousin) in the PM :T And the girl is seriously vyiing for him as well >:T

-DO and her daughter are here from Korea, staying with us for 10 days 🙂 Her daughter is 8 and is cute and shy and a little young to appreciate this trip-she’ll regret being so whiny about it when she’s 20 but for now, I do understand lol. DO unni hasn’t changed AT ALL. Still the same laid back, messy, fun unni from 10 years ago. I got them tickets to Guillaume Tell at the met-gosh, hopefully the little girl doesn’t die from boredom haha

-I&S goodbye party which was exhausting! But I’m glad I did it. Meatballs, spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, cheese and crackers and charcuterie, plus infused water! I went out of my mind making sure the food was safe and tasty and I think I did a pretty good job lol and everyone seemed to have enjoyed it!

-I miss Teaneck, the old Teaneck, and apparently so does everyone else. (AY unnie, GB and RL in particular lol)

-Plus my Lupus is back in full swing-I guess from work (extra stress, SMH), 2 weekends in a row cooking/baking-man this morning, my fingers were so stiff! 🙁

-Dinner tonight at Noches 😀

And now I’m going to take a nap lol

Save Me -BTS

What to do when you see an old flame and immediately all you want to do is be close to him?!

What if he’s even supposedly dating?!

I miss him.

Even if he’s no longer the cute brother I met all those years ago.

(On a side note, I made cupcakes and they were bomb! Special thanks to R 🙂 )

And man, I’m going to miss Heidi 🙁

Pieces of You- Epik High

Ugh this song recently made me cry again-did you know it was about his father?! Makes it 1000% sadder once you know the context, like any song about your parents are going to be sad-esp Korean ones. IDK why that is, it just is. Hmph.


Annual Meeting 2016-amazing! I wasn’t able to listen to much of it bc I was working in the Patterson Infirmary during the program but it was still amazing, the parts that I could listen to, of course.

New songbook that matches our Bibles! I might be tempted to take my physical copy of the Bible to meetings-but…it’s for English only atm so maybe not? LOL

And Psalm 37:3 is our new year text!

Working the infirmary-they’re moving it to Fishkill so I think my last time will be in December since I haven’t heard if they’ll ask me to continue commuting. 🙁

But as they said during the Annual Meeting, Jehovah still appreciates everything we do for him 🙂 So even if I don’t get asked to come back, it’ll be ok. It was a privilege undeserved and the memories made there will always be cherished 🙂

Also H is moving to China in December 🙁

We’re having her goodbye party this weekend and L asked me to bring dessert-cupcakes! I was going to cater them but OMG they quoted me $225 for 100 cupcakes.

Ummm no. So yeah, it seems like I’ll be baking for other people for the first time ever. FML.

Hopefully they turn out ok. If anything I’ll pad them with a lot of sugar hahahahaha

(I want to make them stuffed and-and I want them to be pretty like swirled or something! And with pretty garnishes!)

Also, JH’s friend KK is pregnant 0_0

(I know right? She’s only 23. SMH. Well she was always a riot. But still. :T)

And that’s about it haha.

I don’t really know what else to say.


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